Analysis of the results of a long-term work of FEM elements in various devices and technologies has allowed to formulate a number of new principles for design of flow-through electrochemical modular elements. As a result, in 2008 flow-through electrochemical elements MB-26 and MB-11 (Bakhir modules) were created. In designation a nominal diameter of the diaphragm is used.
Under the same design principles and equal geometrical dimensions of pairs of elements FEM-3 ↔ MB-11 and FEM-9 ↔ MB-26, elements MB have better technical parameters thanks to the use of a denser and more durable diaphragms, due to the increased physical surface of anodes equal to the geometric surface of cathodes, and also due to improvements in the design of channels for initial solutions supplying and taking products of liquids electrochemical conversion off.
In 2011 a new conception of designing of low-through electrochemical modular elements was realized. The essence is to maximize the unification of constructions of positive and negative electrodes, which provides flexibility in the choice of a technological scheme of electrochemical reactors use, simplifies their manufacture while increasing the specific productivity, reliability and durability. As a result new elements MB-26-XX-XX and MB-11-XX-XX are developed, in the designation of which typical dimensions used for the diaphragms are kept, and design features and technical parameters are correlated with a four-digit index, closing the designation of the reactor (element). In this case the first digit in the second pair of six-digit index indicates the length of the working part of the electrode chamber (in decimeters), the second digit corresponds to the number of electrodes provided with diaphragms. The last two digits indicate the model number of the reactor in this design.

Reactor MB-26-31-01 is the first flow-through modular electrochemical element in a new series designed for use in devices of series AQUACHLOR, ECOCHLOR, etc., which work is based on ion-selective electrolysis of sodium or potassium chloride solutions.
The distinctive features of such a reactor in comparison with MB-26 element are possibility of diaphragm self-cleaning in the work process that allows to refuse the use of hydrochloric acid for periodic removal of cathode depositions, as well as possibility of anodic oxidation of chlorides solutions on the cold anode surface at low current density of 1500 A/m2, which provides increased cleanliness of chlorine generated at the anode and significantly increases the service life of the anode coating. Such a reactor allows to ensure the production of chlorine from sodium chloride solution to 150 g/h at a current of 120 A and a voltage of 6.0 V. The same reactor, as used in the CAYMAN series devices for synthesis of oxidants in the flowing water of swimming pools, allows to disinfect more than 10 cubic meters of water per hour. The current can vary from 7 to 10 A at a voltage from 40 to 100 V.

Reactor MB-26-31-02 with similar applications has another design of the cathode, which provides the intensification of gas-lift circulation of catholyte and has active surface area, more than 2 times greater than the area of smooth cathode in the reactor MB-26-01. It allows to reduce the operating voltage to 5.5 V in AQUACHLOR devices with the same productivity of chlorine and, accordingly, the same current strength.
Reactor MB-26-37-01 can work in high contamination of initial solutions of electrolytes with ions of calcium, magnesium, iron and other metals, which form insoluble hydroxides in water, due to the special design of electrode sets and a more smooth surface of cathodes, which intensify the effect of separation of particles of hydroxides from the cathode surface is intensively emitted at high current density (up to 10,000 A/m2) the hydrogen bubbles. This reactor used in AQUACHLOR or ECOCHLOR devices allows to produce chlorine in an amount of up to 900 g/h at a current of 700 A and a voltage of 5.5 V.
Reactor MB-26-37-02 has constructive and technical parameters similar to the reactor MB-26-37-01, but there is a cathode with a larger working surface, enhancing gas-lift circulation of catholyte. It helps to reduce the voltage from 5.5 to 5.0 when working in AQUACHLOR or ECOCHLOR devices in the mode of getting 900 g/h at a current of 700 A.

Reactor MB-26-67-01 has the electrodes unit of seven cathodes, protected with diaphragms, and twenty four cooled anodes. Unlike the reactor MB-26-37-01, the working surface of each of electrodes is doubled due to their lengthening. This reactor is designed for use in modular ECOCHLOR devices with productivity from 4 to 10 kg/h of chlorine. At a current of 1200 A and a voltage of 5.5 V productivity of the reactor is more than 1.5 kg/h of chlorine.

Reactor MB-26-61-01. This reactor is designed for use in AQUACHLOR, ECOCHLOR and other series devices, which work is based on ion-selective electrolysis of sodium or potassium chlorides solutions. Electrode unit of the reactor has four anodes and one central cathode with a diaphragm.
Unlike the reactor MB-26-37-02, the working surface of each of electrodes is doubled due to their lengthening. This reactor is designed for use in ECOCHLOR modular devices with productivity of chlorine from 1 to 10 kg/h. At a current of 200 A and a voltage of 5.5 V productivity of the reactor is more than 0.25 kg/h of chlorine.
Reactor MB-26-67-02 has the electrodes unit of seven cathodes and twenty four cooled anodes. Unlike the reactor MB-26-67-01, cathodes with increased working surface are installed in the reactor, that improves its economic indices under the work in ECOCHLOR modular devices with productivity from 4 to 10 kg/h of chlorine. At a current of 1200 A and a voltage of 5.0 V, the productivity of the reactor is more than 1.5 kg/h of chlorine.
Reactor MB-26-67-50 has the unit electrodes of seven anodes and twenty four cooled cathodes. This reactor is designed for use in PEROXITRON modular devices for synthesis of persulfuric acid and subsequent production of hydrogen peroxide. The nominal operating mode of the reactor under continuous work: current is 800 A, voltage is 4 V.
Reactor MB-26-31-50. The electrode unit of the reactor is represented by a single anode protected by a diaphragm, and a four cooled cathodes. The reactor is designed for use in PEROXITRON-L series devices for synthesis of persulfuric acid in the laboratory. The nominal operating mode of the reactor under continuous work: current is 100 A, voltage is 4 V.

Reactor MB-26-31-25. Design reactor is a development of MB-26 element. Inside the cathode is an anode unit. Significant differences are the design of diaphragm seal rings, the design of the anode and also the design of seal elements at ends of the reactor, which increases reliability and durability of operation. The reactor is designed for use in devices of series STEL-UNIVERSAL, ROSTOK, STEL-PEROX of large capacity (from 300 to 600 l/h).
Reactor MB-26-31-26. Design of the reactor is a development of MB-26 element. Inside the cathode there is an anode unit. Significant differences are the design of diaphragm seal rings, the design of the anode, suggesting possibility of internal circulation of anolyte and also the design of seal elements at ends of the reactor, which increases reliability and durability of operation. The reactor is designed for use in devices of series STEL-ANK-SUPER of small capacity (from 20 to 100 l/h).
Reactor MB-11-21-01. This reactor is an improved model of MB-11 reactor. At outward appearance of the design it has improved conditions of cathode and anode flows due to changes in the design of upper and lower cathode and anode bushings and increasing the diameter of fittings. In the reactor there are diaphragms of high breaking strength, that allows to use them not only in IZUMRUD-REDOX devices, but also in STEL-ANK-SUPER devices of small productivity. In STEL-ANK-SUPER devices these reactors operate at a current of 8-10 A and at a voltage of 8-9 V. In IZUMRUD-REDOX devices they operate at a current of 0.5-2.0 and a voltage of 24 to 50 V.

Reactor MB-11-21-03. This reactor has high thermal and chemical resistance of elements of construction. These reactors are used in STEL-ANK-SUPER devices of small productivity, in STEL-PEROX, STEL-UNIVERSAL devices, as well as in devices of OXITRON-K, OXITRON-M, ROSTOK series and some others. They are able to operate at an absolute pressure up to 10 kgf/cm2, a temperature of the processed liquids up to 150 °C and a flow rate through each of the chambers up to 200 l/h. Nominal operating mode of such elements in continuous work: current – up to 20 A, voltage – up to 12 V. At a current of 5 A a voltage can be increased to 50 V.
Reactor MB-11-21-03. This reactor has high thermal and chemical resistance of elements of construction. These reactors are used in STEL-ANK-SUPER devices of small productivity, in STEL-PEROX, STEL-UNIVERSAL devices, as well as in devices of OXITRON-K, OXITRON-M, ROSTOK series and some others. They are able to operate at an absolute pressure up to 10 kgf/cm2, a temperature of the processed liquids up to 150 °C and a flow rate through each of the chambers up to 200 l/h. Nominal operating mode of such elements in continuous work: current – up to 20 A, voltage – up to 12 V. At a current of 5 A a voltage can be increased to 50 V.
This list of reactors used for processes of electrochemical activation is far from complete. There are about 20 new designs in the development process, which are intended for solving original problems for customers and partners of Vitold Bakhir Electrochemical Systems and Technologies Institute and the company-manufacturer of products for the original copyrighted works of V.M. Bakhir and his colleagues – LLC “DELFIN AQUA”.