The improvement of a technical product usually continues throughout its lifetime. The history of the wheel is an obvious example of it.
The huge number and variety of known electrochemical systems confirms the general pattern, though less clearly. Electrochemistry is a “quiet” science. It doesn’t have phenomena to captivate a common person. However, it is to be seen everywhere. It is present in the batteries that power countless electronic devices; in electrodes to measure the properties of various liquids, and in the activity of the brain, and in the parameters of a beating heart; in LCD screens for computers and televisions; in giant electrochemical furnaces for smelting aluminum; in huge electrolyzers for producing hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, alkalis; in invisible, but absolutely necessary systems for the protection of pipelines and other extended metal structures from corrosion, and much, much more.
It has turned out that liquids, after unipolar electrochemical effect, acquire new, previously unexplored properties. For the practical use of this phenomenon, it was necessary to develop special, previously unknown technical electrochemical systems, to find new optimal constructive and technological solutions in order to widely implement the unique possibilities of transforming chemical technologies that Nature has made it possible to discover in electrochemistry. This is exactly what the author has been working on enthusiastically.
Director of the Institute of SredAzNIIGaz U.D. Mamadzhanov and Head of the Laboratory of Electrotechnology (LET) V.M. Bakhir. Tashkent, 1976.
1 – Head of the Laboratory of Electrotechnology (LET) V.M.Bakhir, 1975. 2 – Senior researcher of LET, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.A.Alekhine (left) and V.M.Bakhir, 1977. 3 – Head of the lab. Physico-chemistry of drilling fluids, Doctor of Technical Sciences N.A.Mariampolsky (left) and head of the lab. introduction of Yu.G.Zadorozhny, 1978. 4 and 5 –Yu.G.Zadorozhny on drilling rigs, 1979. 6 – from left to right: Chief mechanic at Uzbekneft D.Sh.Gaziev, Yu.G.Zadorozhny, lead constuctor of LET L.E.Spector, 1979. 7 – V.M.Bahir (left) and ved. engineer LET O.P.Bityutskov on drilling rigs, 1979.UEV-4 installations on drilling rigs of Uzbekgazprom and Turkmengaz-prom allowed saving up to 30 – 40% of chemicals, increased the service life of diesel engines by 5 – 15 times. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, 1978.1 – V.M. Bakhir and Professor A.G. Liakumovich of the Kirov KHTI, who joined the team of ECHO researchers in 1981. Creative cooperation between Tashkent and Kazan collectives continued until 1991. Kazan, 1982. 2 – Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ya.B.Zeldovich (right) gets acquainted with ECHO technology. Next (from right to left) Rector of the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (KHTI) Professor P.A.Kirpichnikov, employee of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the same Institute, Ph.D. B.S.Friedman, leading designer of NPO VOSTOK (Tashkent) V.M.Bakhir, Director of the special installation and commissioning department of ECHO systems for agriculture and poultry Farming L.E.Spector. Kazan, KhTI, 1985. 3 – V.M. Bakhir and the creator of the Unified Quantum Relativistic Theory of the Fundamental Field (TFP) theoretical physicist I.L. Gerlovin. Leningrad, 1984. 4 – The President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician A.P. Alexandrov, gets acquainted with the achievements of KHTI, including in the field of electrochemical activation. Kazan, 1987.The creation in 1989 of Flow-through Electrochemical Modular Elements (FEM) and the appearance on the market in 1991-1993 of electrochemical devices (STEL, EMERALD devices) with FEM elements and corresponding patents, aroused interest in many countries. People who knew and did not know the inventors would visit the Institute of Medical technics (VNIIIMT) and NPO EKRAN, with conferences and symposia being held, cooperation contracts and licensing agreements concluded with many companies.Cooperation between Mikhail Byalko and V. Bakhir, going on even when these lines appear on the computer screen, began in 1988. Since the age of sixteen, Mikhail has been working at NPO KHIMAVTOMATIKA. A wonderful designer of hydro-gasdynamics elements, an inventor embodying with his own hands into real products what he has invented, Mikhail has mastered all known metalworking techniques and the corresponding equipment with virtuoso skill. It was his original developments that were used in the first models of REDOX (1989), STEL (1993), ENDOSTERIL (1998) and others.Disinfection of water with anolyte from two STEL installations during the crisis in Rwanda saved many lives. Princess Anna, in a conversation with Bob Borovik, Witold Bahir and Ian Woodcock about Tables in Rwanda, wished success in the development of electrochemical activation. 1994.1- from left to right: B. Leonov, K. Ivashkovich, D. Vinyard, D. Turley, V. Bakhir, V. Folton, V. Panichev, D. Brebier, G. Rivers, D. McLain. Representatives of the Russian Scientific Center for Electrochemical Activation Technologies (RSCECAT) and Monsanto. USA, Las Vegas, 1995.2 – from left to right: V. Bakhir, D. Bowers, S. Panicheva, E. O’Reilly, M. Check, D. Brebier, B. Leonov, V. Panichev. Representatives of the companies Institute of Medical Technology, Institute of Electrochemical Systems and Technologies, Hydrofem (later – Trust Water), Electrochemical Technologies (ECT). Moscow, Institute of Medical Technology (VNIIIMT), 1997.Installation of a STEL with PEM-3 elements for US Marines during field tests at the Atlanta proving ground, 1996. PEM-3 elements are mounted in three RPE-S-36 reactors (36 PEM-3 elements in each)Svetlana Panicheva – a leading technologist in industrial chemistry, author of many unique chemical products for application in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food industry, medicine, veterinary medicine and other branches. S. Panicheva and a representative of the Batteill Memorial Institute before discussing the results of field tests of the effectiveness of Anolyte ANK at a meeting at the PentagonAnolyte aerosol is the most effective means of volumetric disinfection. For the first time, the idea of using an anolyte in the form of an aerosol was expressed by Professor Nedar Georgievich Tsiskaridze (photo above left) in 1986. Thanks to his developed ideas about the technology and technique of obtaining an anolyte aerosol in the nineties, dozens of different designs of anolyte aerosol generators were created, which became very widespread in various fields.The practical application of ion-selective electrolysis with a diaphragm required a deep study of the processes in the FEM elements.New knowledge about the physicochemical processes in TEM elements was immediately used to improve the quality of mass-produced reactors.In the photo, among the participants of one of the early conferences on electrochemical activation, you can see S.A. Alekhin, the founder of the ESPERO company, Dinu Ashbakh (Gitelman) – a specialist in the treatment of ilnesses by electrochemically activated water and solutions, N.N. Naida, one of the founders of AQUASTEL, later ENVIROLYTE. V.V. Vinogradov, the founder of the EMERALD company, and V.G.Shironosov and the second founder of ENVIROLYTE V.N. Ilchenko, the founders of the IKAR company from Izhevsk, took part in such conferences and symposia, and many many others.cooperation of specialists and scientists of the electrochemical activation team with serious companies such as SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS (three photos above), MONSANTO (two photos below), BATTELLE Memorial Institute, De NORA and othersIn 2008, the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko, based on the conclusions of experts on the results of the practical use of AQUACHLOR devices at municipal potable water, waste water and swimming pool water treatment plants, decided to approve the corresponding Instruction on the need for wide use of AQUACHLOR devices and the rules for their operation in part concerning the area of activity of the SANEPIDNADZOR (Public Health) bodies. Such an instruction was approved in 2009: “Instructions for the use of a solution of oxidants produced by AQUACHLOR-type devices for disinfection of drinking water supply, domestic and industrial waste water, swimming pool water, approved by the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2009. No. 01-10 / 48-09 “. In the photo: Gennady Onishchenko getting acquainted with the AQUACHLOR device at the exhibition stand. V. Bakhir and B. Leonov providing explanations. 2008.Mobile complexes for water purification with EMERALD-300S devices. Representatives of the RF Ministry of Defense (Commander of Support of the RF Armed Forces, V.I. Isakov, his deputy V.D. Bulgakov) – the Customer and representatives of the equipment manufacturer NPO EKRAN (Deputy General Director V.G. Vedenkov , chief engineer E.P. Provanov).Moscow, 2002.Participants of the meeting at the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Kirov to assess the results of research and the use of Anolyte ANK in various areas of biological protection. From left to right: V. Kolkutin, D. Nevsky, V. Bakhir, E. Pimenov, B. Leonov and other participants of the meeting. Kirov, 2004.The Institute team. Routine moments. Moscow, 2017The Institute team. Routine moments in RF (Moscow, 2021) – photo 1 and the USA (Malvern, 2019) – photo 2 and 3. M. Byalko, I. Grishkov, I. Kozlov: discussing changes … V. Panichev, I. Kozlov: the work is completed. 3) Thank you all for your productive work!Regular participation of the Institute in thematic exhibitions and conferences allows for assessing the technical and technological level of its own inventions in real time and in real conversations with experts so as to outline plans for further scientific and technical development.Laboratory model of persulfuric acid production, current through the reactor is 30 amperes (photo above left); development and manufacture of an experimental model of the OXITRON-2500E device for use in the technology of underground borehole leaching of uranium, the current through the reactor is 2500 amperes. Industrial tests of the OXITRON-2500E device. Russia – Kazakhstan, 2020.From a laboratory bench to an industrial design. Specialists and scientists of the Institute of Electrochemical Systems and Technologies cover this distance on average in 2 – 4 months. In the photo – the stage of creating a system for the synthesis of a concentrated solution of hypochlorous acid used in the technology of leaching gold from black concentrates.In 2020, the Institute of Electrochemical Systems and Technology celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of its founding. One of the first companies that became the official research and development partner of the Institute is the German company Blue Safety. Blue safe water is the main goal of this company. A picture below to the right which has been accidentally preserved shows the first acquaintance of the Blue Safety Company founders with the top management of the Institute. In the picture, from left to right: Jan Papenbrock, Vitold Bakhir, Christian Moenninghoff, Moscow, 2005. More than fifteen years of cooperation continues successfully and the main motto of our joint work is very simple: forward and upward, to new knowledge, to new technical and technological heights (main photo: cooperation in progress, Munster, 2019).