Scientific and technical biography of Vitold Bakhir
1971 – 1972. Mining engineer. The beginning of experimental studies of electrochemical control properties and parameters of drilling muds.
1973 – 1975. Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in Science, Technology and Production for the discovery and practical application of the phenomenon of electrochemical activation (ECA) in the drilling of oil and gas wells.
1976 – 1988. PhD, Electrochemistry, Technical Sciences. Approved by the Supreme Attestation Commission of the USSR the Creator of the new scientific and technical direction – “Electrochemical activation” ECA. Research, development of technical electrochemical systems and practical application of electrochemical activation in mining, various industries, agriculture, medicine, military affairs, space technologies.
1989 – 2010. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Electrochemistry). Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland 2nd degree”. Research, development of technical electrochemical systems and practical application of electrochemical activation in medicine, natural and wastewater treatment. Theoretical development and organization of production of universal flow-through electrochemical modular elements FEM and MB (Bakhir Modules).
2011 – present. Research and development of design principles for universal high-performance technical electrochemical systems for various purposes.
Some results: more than 400 inventions (USSR copyright certificates, patents of the Russian Federation, USA, Germany, England, China and other countries), 7 monographs, more than 300 articles in scientific journals, more than 60,000 STEL devices for the synthesis of an environmentally friendly disinfectant solution ANOLYTE ANK and ANOLYTE ANK SUPER, more than 300,000 EMERALD water treatment devices, more than 1,000 AQUACHLOR and ECOCHLOR systems for the synthesis of chlorine and caustic soda, more than 2,500,000 FEM and MB elements of various designs.
The licensees of Bakhir’s inventions: Monsanto (USA), Memorial Institute Battelle (USA), Puricore (USA), Izhevsk Plant Kupol (RF), NPO Himavtomatika (RF, Moscow), Samsung Electronics (Republic of Korea), Choongwae Pharma Corporation (Republic of Korea), DELFIN AQUA LLC (RF, Moscow), Hydrofem (Ireland), AOOT NPO EKRAN (RF, Moscow), Realm Terapeutics (USA), Chemstar (USA), Ecolab (USA).