USSR Author’s Certificate # 1035047, 1979.
Bakhir V.M.
The given invention whose priority was registered on March 26, 1979, actually contains the first published reference to anomalous change of the oxidation-reduction potential value of electrolyte aqueous solution after unipolar electrochemical exposure. The effect of anomalous change of water and drilling mud redox potential value due to such exposure was discovered by the invention’s author in 1975, however, it took quite a time to thoroughly investigate and substantiate the significance of measuring the above-mentioned parameter as indicator in the processes of liquid electrochemical activation. Under the classical approach, measuring the redox potential value of water or diluted aqueous solutions of several electrolytes is useless since it is impossible to distinguish a potential-defining reaction and to find a concrete chemical composition of redox couple. The given invention, contrary to the classical approach, for the first time indicates experimentally determined by the author variation range of electrolyte aqueous solution (drilling mud) redox potential due to unipolar (cathodic) electrochemical exposure: from + 100 … + 200 mV to –800 … –1000 mV (measured with the help of platinum electrode as compared to silver chloride reference electrode). From that time on, measuring redox potential value in water and diluted aqueous solutions of electrolytes subjected to unipolar electrochemical exposure has become a routine procedure performed by practically all researchers.