USSR Author’s Certificate # 1121905, 1121906, 1121907, 1981.
Vakhidov V.V., Mamadzhanov U.D., Kasymov A.Kh., Bakhir V.M., Alyokhin S.A., Iskhakova Kh.I., Baibekov I.М., Ovchinnikov I.V., Mariampolsky N.А., Goncharov P.V.
The three above indicated inventions were the first published data sources on medical application of electrochemically activated water and solutions, which defined the role of electrochemically activated water and solutions as regulators of metabolic processes in the body of man and animals (# 1121906), as a factor stimulating the processes of reparatory and physiological regeneration (# 1121905), and as an antimicrobial, universal in its scope of action and non-toxic agent (# 1121907).