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Vitold Bakhir Electrochemical Systems and Technologies

Flow-through electrochemical modular reactor (FEM-7 module)

Flow-through electrochemical modular reactor (FEM-7 module) – is meant for ion-selective electrolysis with diaphragm, and can be used in the range of electrolyte solution concentrations between 0.2-0.3 and 2-3 mol/l and higher. FEM-7 modules can be used in electrochemical systems for various applications both as an individual device (FEM-7 reactor), and as an assembly of FEM-7 modules connected hydraulically in parallel – RPE-07 reactor.

A distinctive feature of FEM-7 module is the inner electrode (anode) chamber, which can operate under pressure of up to 2 kgf/cm2, at a very low rate of filtration liquid transfer through the diaphragm, and in which there are conditions for intensive internal electrolyte circulation, as well as for its heat exchange with electrolyte in the cathodic chamber.

The only one manufacturer in the world of FEM-7 modules is the Russian enterprise ООО “Laboratory of Electrotechnology” founded by the patent authors V.M. Bakhir and Yu.G. Zadorozhny. They are made in various modifications securing the most optimal parameters of electrochemical exposure in relation to different technological processes and electrochemical systems. The main differences between FEM-7 module modifications are the type of anodic electrode coating of the central electrode, and ceramic diaphragm properties.
