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Vitold Bakhir Electrochemical Systems and Technologies

Electrochemically activated solutions produced by STEL devices

Electrochemically activated solutions are fresh or low-mineralized water, in which metastable products of electrochemical reactions have formed and keep safe as a result of electrochemical unipolar (at the anode or at the cathode of an electrochemical system) impact and physical-chemical parameters of which relax in time.

Usually as a result of cathode treatment fresh or low-mineralized water becomes alkaline due to conversion of some part of dissolved salts into hydroxides. Its ORP is dramatically reduced, surface tension is reduced, content of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen is reduced, concentration of hydrogen and free hydroxyl groups increases, electrical conductivity decreases, structure of both hydration ion sheath changes and free volume of water.

Under anode electrochemical treatment acidity of water increases, ORP increases due to formation of stable and unstable acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, hypochlorous, persulfuric), as well as hydrogen peroxide, peroxosulfates, peroxocarbonates, oxygen-containing chlorine compounds and various intermediates arising in the process of spontaneous decay and interaction of these compounds. As a result of anode electrochemical treatment surface tension decreases, conductivity increases, amount of dissolved chlorine and oxygen increases, concentration of hydrogen and nitrogen decreases, water structure is changed.

There are many patented technological schemes, allowing to get different electrochemically activated solutions with different parameters, used then in various technological cycles. An integral part of these technological schemes are flow-through electrochemical modular elements.

The following parameters are important to determine physical-chemical and functional properties of:

  • electrochemically activated anolyte and catholyte are the following parameters;
  • concentration of sodium chloride in the initial solution, g/l;
  • total salinity of initial solution, g/l;
  • hydrogen index (pH);
  • redox potential measured with a platinum electrode relative to silver chloride reference electrode, mV;
  • concentration of oxidants, mg/l (only for electrochemically activated anolyte).

To learn more about the controllable parameters of electrochemically activated solutions, identification of ECA solutions and determination of the extent of electrochemical activation please follow >>

The most common electrochemically activated solutions produced in by STEL type devices can be classified as follows: